B.A. in Arabic Language and Literature

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The Bachelor of Arabic Language and Literature (new and developed program) was benchmarked against its counterparts at the best Arab universities, globally recognized by QS World University Rankings. The grogram consists of groups of foundational courses in basic sciences of Arabic language, linguistics, literature, criticism, and relevant modern methodological theories.  Such a program provides students with skills of critical thinking, methodological research, and analysis; knowledge production is enhanced. Well qualified, academically experienced, and graduated from the most prestigious Arab universities, Arab and Bahraini scholars are of high ranks and undertake teaching.




The program aims to prepare specialists in Arabic language and literature as follows:

  1. To prepare students on the scientific, literary, teaching, and research grounds.
  2. To enrich students with knowledge of literature, culture, and civilization.
  3. To improve students’ knowledge of language, literature, and criticism as well as curiosity.
  4. To prepare students to pursue postgraduate study.
  5. To deepen Arabic and Islamic affinities as well as patriotism.
  6. To guide students to contemporary culture, sciences, and experience as well as bridging the gaps with them.


Students are expected to:

  1. Identify the sciences of Arabic language, the foundations of language, literature, and criticism, as well as the relevant theories.
  2. Apply the skills of methodological analysis and critical thinking to references and studies of their specialization.
  3. Practice in their academic specialization self-learning knowledge and research ethics.
  4. Produce well written research papers in the Arabic language and literature following research styles and ethics.
  5. To analyse written and oral texts benefiting from their knowledge of the foundations of the Arabic language and literature.