Postgraduate Diploma & Master in Applied English language Studies

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The MA programme has been offered to meet the need for training in Applied English Language Studies for research and teaching assistants at university as well as teachers at the Ministry of Education. The programme has attracted many students not only from the Kingdom of Bahrain but also from the Gulf region in general. The programme has undergone a lot of changes and improvements to keep up with the labor market and the alumni’s needs. The programme is compatible with many other regional and international MA programmes.

The programme provides advanced training in theoretical and applied linguistics, language acquisition, sociolinguistics, and theories of language teaching and learning. The MA dissertations submitted by students have shown a commitment to studying local problems related to language and foreign languages. These dissertations cover a wide range of topics related to English, language acquisition, language teaching and learning, linguistics, literature, and translation.

The MA programme was introduced in response to the urgent need of providing postgraduate training in applied English language studies to the University graduate assistants, teachers in the ministry of education. It has attracted students not only from the Kingdom of Bahrain but also from the Gulf region at large.


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  1. Enable students to critically review theories and research in applied English language studies demonstrating specialized knowledge and understanding of advanced concepts and principles.
  2. Enable students to conduct research applying standard methods in applied English language-related fields, using IT skills, and displaying academic responsibility and integrity.
  3. Empower students with life-long learning strategies to carry out investigations autonomously in various English language-related areas to improve personal, academic, and professional skills.


  1. Produce written critical reviews demonstrating knowledge and understanding of key theories, principles, concepts and methods in various language, linguistics, literature, and other related fields.
  2. Apply specialized research methods to investigate viable and feasible research topics.
  3. Apply knowledge of key theories, principles, concepts and methods in the fields of language, linguistics and literature.
  4. Communicate effectively in speaking while engaging in academic discussions, debates, and oral presentations.
  5. Develop and conduct authentic academic research that demonstrate adequate learning autonomy, academic integrity, and ICT skills.