A Series of Workshops to Be Held for Academic Staff in November

A Series of
Workshops to Be Held for Academic Staff in November

 In light of the spread of the
Coronavirus (Covid-19) and following that, the Unit for Teaching Excellence and
Leadership (UTEL) at the University of Bahrain (UOB) held a series of workshops
for the University’s academic staff during the second week of November 2020, in
order to enable them to participate in digital higher education and for their
continuous professional development, aiming to develop high-quality, safe and
appealing scientific curricula for students within remote learning.

The workshops were held remotely
by the CEO of Education Alchemists, Prof. Gilly Salmon, who began by developing
a methodology within a special perception of university students in places
where they receive their curricula, to ensure their scientific success in their
academic stages, as well as their practical success in their future workplaces.

It is worth mentioning that Education
Alchemists is a UK-based international leader in the digital transformation of
higher education.

The workshops aimed to expand the
research and educational roles of academic staff and support staff to qualify
them to be “learning designers” through a common design methodology known
internationally as “Carpe Diem”, which is self-developed in an integrated
manner during the digital professional development phase.

The “Carpe Diem”
methodology provides an opportunity to receive quick high-quality digital
education based on many years of international research that has shown that
students fully appreciate providing effective digital learning experiences,
without affecting the academic integrity process in learning and teaching.
Also, studies have shown a high level of student satisfaction and their
achievement of higher marks after the design process.

The Director of UTEL at the UOB,
Dr. Diana Abdulkareem Al-Jahromi, stated that “We chose to work with the best
methodologies in the world of digital learning in order to provide highly
flexible curricula that would facilitate the work of the academic staff, and would
make the digital learning process easier for our students in light of the
current challenges associated with the Corona virus (Covid-19) via remote

On her part, Chief Executive
Officer of Education Alchemists, Prof. Dr. Gilly Salmon, stated that “My
colleagues and I are honored to work with a prestigious university such as UOB
to share knowledge with them and support their applications in their educational
practices towards more opportunities for continuous professional development
and international community partnership.”


Sustainable Development Goals:

3 Quality education

17 Partnerships for the goals


Key words

Unit for Teaching Excellence and Leadership at the
University of Bahrain, digital higher education, continuing professional
development, designing high-quality scientific curricula, Corona pandemic
(covid-19), Education Alchemists,

By |2020-10-22T00:00:00+00:00October 22, 2020|Quality Assurance Office|0 Comments
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