Stressing That “Distance Learning” Will Reformulate the Concept of Universities In The World

Stressing That
“Distance Learning” Will Reformulate the Concept of Universities In
The World

Dr. Bulaila:
E-Learning Is Here to Stay Despite the Need to Develop Its Mechanisms

 Participants in the Sixth International Conference on
E-learning recently organized by the University of Bahrain (UOB) unanimously
agreed that e-learning will not disappear when the Corona pandemic is gone,
stressing that seeing its positives and the potentials it provides will make it
an effective choice in educational institutions, especially higher education
institutions, which was confirmed by the Dean of the College of Arts, Dr.
Abdulaziz Mohammed Bulaila.

The conference was organized by the College of Arts at UOB
earlier this December in cooperation with the Institute of Electrical and
Electronics Engineers (IEEE), and it discussed 85 research papers in several
themes, including sustainable higher education, learning at home and
workplaces, distance education, co-education, return on investment on distance
learning, and e-learning models and theories.

Moreover, Dr. Abdulaziz Bulaila stated that “The conference
papers were unanimous that e-learning will shape the features of education in
the future because of its innovation, flexibility and low operational cost,”
indicating that “distance learning may change the concept of universities and
scientific institutes because it develops innovation and self-reliance values among
students, which makes educational systems value it. “

Pointing out that one of the main challenges presented by
the conference in its two-day sessions, was to develop mechanisms for
evaluating students’ performance and monitoring exams, expressing his
confidence that technicians and educators shall be able to develop more
effective methods in this field.

The conference was held via visual communication technology featuring
300 researchers, experts and technologists in the fields of distance learning,
teaching methods and learning technologies from about 40 countries in the

Furthermore, Bulila indicated that e-learning issues have
captured the interest of many researchers in the recent period, which paves the
way for the advancement of the distance learning system, indicating that the
participants agreed on the importance of continuing to organize this Conference
annually or at least every two years to discuss e-learning developments.

The Dean of the College of Arts concluded his speech by
saying, “E-learning is here to stay, and this is a belief entrenched in
educators and academics, as it is a model that can be called the democracy of
education for its flexibility and the freedom it offers.”


Sustainable Development Goals:     

 (4) Quality

 (11) Sustainable
cities and communities.

 (17) Partnerships for
the goals.


Key words

University of Bahrain, e-learning, the Sixth International
Conference On E-Learning, digital transformation, education system, higher

By |2020-12-14T00:00:00+00:00December 14, 2020|Uncategorized|0 Comments
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