The Phenomenon has no effect on the Arabic Language

The Phenomenon has
no effect on the Arabic Language, nor does it reflect a trend towards

11% Of Bahraini
Youth Use Latin Script in Social Networks


A scientific study by a professor
at the University of Bahrain (UOB) confirmed that the phenomenon of using Latin
letters in transcription on social networks has no effect, whether directly or
indirectly, on the Arabic language, nor does it mean a trend towards
westernization or acceptance of the characteristics of Western countries.

The study was conducted by
Associate Professor of Media and Public Relations at UOB Dr. Ashraf Ahmed
Abdelmogeth, and Associate Professor of Media at Sultan Qaboos University, Dr.
Abdullah Al-Kindi, which concluded that the use of this language is similar to
the use of professionals and closed groups that have certain characteristics of
languages ??and group-specific terminology, which when collapsed or
disintegrated, its language collapses with it.

The two researchers applied their
study to a sample of young people in each of the Kingdom of Bahrain, the
Sultanate of Oman, and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

And they found that the
phenomenon of the use of Latin characters, which emerged due to the emergence
of the computer desk without Arabic keys, doesn’t exist among private school
students that rely on foreign languages ??in the study, while their use varied
in public schools, as the percentage in Bahrain did not exceed 11%, and reached
8% in the UAE.

The study sought to measure how
related is the use of Latin script in communication networks by young people in
the Arab Gulf to forming their images of the outside world, and it relied on
publication in the International Journal of Media and Mass Communication issued
by the Gulf University in Bahrain.

The two researchers used
questionnaires to measure the rates of use, its motives, and its relationship
to the proximity to the western character “peoples and places” on a
regular random sample of 240 individuals divided equally among the three
countries: Bahrain, Saudi Arabia and Oman.

Dr. Ashraf Abdelmogeth stated
that “The study showed that youth’s use of about 10 Latin letters comes out of
a desire to explain things in a comfortable and easy way, especially since
languages ??always need new writing symbols in light of the expansion of the
verbal and auditory collection, and the growing friction between peoples and

According to the researchers, the
study adopted the theory of “cultural circles”, which assumes the
existence of several states of culture, namely: interconnection, isolation,
containment, friction, interaction, and invasion, focusing on interaction
processes which depend on symbols that result in other symbols.

Also, it attributed the
vocabulary of the sample of young people in using Latin script to several
reasons, foremost of which are: ease of use by 31%, prevalence and generality
as used by peers by 31%, and its relevance to technology by 20.7%, while
friends came at the forefront of people with whom young people use the Latin
letter in transcription by 66%, followed by parents with 17%, then teachers,
and finally everyone.

It is worth mentioning that Dr.
Ashraf Abdelmogeth joined the Department of Media, Tourism and Arts at UOB in
the year 2014, he has a PhD from Cairo University in the field of Public
Relations and Advertising in the year 1998 for his thesis titled “The
Mutual Relationship Between Mutual Exposure to Media and Social

Also, Dr. Abdelmogeth is one of
the researchers who is open to new media issues in his research output and has
so far presented about 25 scientific studies.


Sustainable Development Goals

4 Quality education

17 Partnerships for the goals


Key Words

The use of Latin script, western
character, the verbal and auditory collection, the interaction between peoples
and nations

By |2020-06-16T00:00:00+00:00June 16, 2020|Uncategorized|0 Comments
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