“Bahrain Studies” Annal examines the British Position on the Sovereignty of Bahrain in Qatar Peninsula

Studies” Annal examines the British Position on the Sovereignty of Bahrain
in Qatar Peninsula
Bahrain Studies Center at the University of Bahrain (UOB)
published the second issue of the “Annal of the Centre for Bahrain Studies”
titled “Bahrain’s Sovereignty in Qatar Peninsula and the British Position
Toward It (1949-1935)” by researcher Dr. Hamad Ebrahim Abdullah, Assistant
Professor of Modern History in the Department of Social Sciences at the College
of Arts at UOB.
The study monitored the policy followed by Britain towards
Bahrain’s sovereignty in Qatar Peninsula in British documents after the
Anglo-Persian Oil Company obtained a concession for oil exploration in the
Peninsula in 1935 from the government of Qatar.
Also, the study sought to identify the nature of the British
position on Qatar’s encroachment towards Bahrain’s sovereignty, the declared
and undeclared views of Britain regarding the events that took place in the
Al-Zubarah region of Qatar Peninsula and Hawar Islands and the shoals (Fasht) of
Dibal, and the extent of its commitment to neutrality between Bahrain and
Moreover, research in the documents showed that Qatar
government’s wish to encroach on declared and historically supported properties
of Bahrain in the Peninsula and the islands of Bahrain during the period from
1935 to 1949 was based on benefiting from the Anglo-American dispute over oil
concessions in the midst of oil discoveries stage in the Arabian Gulf region in
the first half of the twentieth century.
With this new scientific publication of UOB’s Bahrain
Studies Center Annal, the Center shall contribute to uncovering the details of
an important stage of the national history of the Kingdom of Bahrain.
It is worth noting that the first issue of the Bahrain
Studies Center Annal was published in March 2019 with a study on: “Al Khalifa
in Qatar Peninsula: A Study in Political Geography” by Dr. Mohammed Ahmad
Abdullah, who is a researcher in political geography and director of the
Bahrain Studies Center at the University.