Dr. Kamal Al Gharbi appointed as the Head of the Media, Tourism and Arts Department at UOB

Dr. Kamal Al
Gharbi appointed as the Head of the Media, Tourism and Arts Department at UOB

3 February 2020

The President of the University
of Bahrain (UOB), Prof. Riyad Yousif Hamzah, issued a resolution appointing the
Assistant Professor in the Department of Media, Tourism and Arts at the College
of Arts, Dr. Kamel Mahmood Gharbi, as the head of the Department.

According to Resolution No. (5)
of 2020, Dr. Gharbia shall be managaing the Department of Media, Tourism and
Arts for a period of two years, starting from the announcement of the
resolution on the 12th of last January.

Dr. Al-Gharbi expressed his
thanks and gratitude for the confidence of the
University President and the Dean of the College of Arts in him,
his ambition to complete several projects, the most important of which are
meeting the requirements for quality assurance for all programs to be adopted
locally and working to obtain academic accreditation from an international body
in line with the strategic plan of UOB.

Also, he stressed that the
department’s priorities include supporting scientific research activities, such
as establishing a multidisciplinary research group, encouraging
interdisciplinary studies, organizing an international conference on new media,
and urging faculty members to further conduct sober scientific publishing.

Moreover, he stated that ” Also,
we are looking forward to reviewing some programs with the aim of improving,
developing and benefiting from the best academic practices and the latest
trends in the fields of specialization, expressing his hope to support and
expand existing community partnerships, and to create new partnerships that
enhance the presence of the Department of Media, Tourism and Arts in the local
communication and media scene.

As the Department of Media,
Tourism and Arts offers four academic programs, which are a Bachelor’s in
Media, a Bachelor’s in Tourism, a Bachelor’s in Art and Design, as well as a
Master’s in Media.

It is worth noting that Dr.
Gharbi holds a PhD in Media and Communication from the Sorbonne University
(Paris 1) in year 2004, and he has published several scientific papers in refereed
journals in several areas, most notably the new media, as well as several articles
and participations in specialized media publications.

Also, Dr. Gharbi has supervised
several media conferences and specialized workshops organized by the University,
and participated in the development of study plans and the development of new
programs and courses and their description at UOB.


Sustainable Development Goals

4 Quality education

17 Partnerships for the goals


Key words

Department of Media, Tourism and Arts, University of
Bahrain, Academic Accreditation, International Conference on New Media

By |2020-02-03T00:00:00+00:00February 3, 2020|Uncategorized|0 Comments
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