B.A. in Islamic Studies

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The Bachelor of Islamic Studies (new and developed program) was benchmarked against its counterparts at the best Arab universities, globally recognized by QS World University Rankings. The grogram encompasses groups of foundational courses in Islamic sciences, jurisprudence, foundations of Fiqh, foundations of religion. Such a program provides students with skills of critical thinking, methodological research, and analysis. Knowledge production is enhanced; pioneering and distinctiveness are achieved in the realm of Islamic sciences accordance with a method encompassing the principles of religion, contemporary issues, as well as moderate and critical thinking. Well qualified, academically experienced, and graduated from the most prestigious Arab universities, the academic staff members, Arab and Bahraini, comprise of high ranks and undertake teaching.




The program aims to prepare specialists in Arabic language and literature as follows:

  1. To provide the student with theoretical and practical knowledge in Islamic sciences, and to introduce him to the methodology of thinking and working in teaching, preaching, and judicial positions in government and private specialized institutions, and how to solve the problems faced in them.
  2. To enhance the student’s self-learning skills and provide him with new knowledge, and to equip him with the mechanisms for dealing with Islamic texts according to the principles of correct deduction and their practical application.
  3. To provide the student with communication skills and effectively use modern learning technologies to promote moderate thinking and work towards its consolidation and deepening.
  4. To establish scientific research skills in the field of Islamic studies and its applications.
  5. To provide the student with critical thinking skills in presenting and addressing social, economic, and other issues and how to express Islamic rulings on them.
  6. To provide society with its need for guides and researchers in the field of Islamic studies who contribute to spreading noble values and deepening moderate Islamic thought.


Students are expected to:

  1. Have a detailed understanding of the basic theoretical and practical concepts related to Islamic beliefs and legislation.
  2. Apply self-learning skills and mechanisms in analyzing and interpreting Islamic texts.
  3. Use theoretical Islamic knowledge through practical means to enhance the moderate approach by using communication skills and modern technology tools.
  4. Clarify the fundamental concepts of Islamic religious principles with a modern vision that fits contemporary cultural realities.
  5. Conduct scientific research in the field of Islamic studies while adhering to scientific research methods and ethics.
  6. Deduce solutions and judgments for contemporary issues related to Islamic aspects to serve the Bahraini community.